Moo Orders Milk

Moo Orders Milk

Saturday, October 30, 2004

The Leaves Are Calling

The Leaves Are Calling

It is fall here in the Northeast. The leaves are ochre, fire, and burnt orangello. Soon, they will all be on the ground for yours truly, MMC, to rake and haul to the dump. Ahh, the beauty of nature! But alas, it has been a while since my last scintillating entry, so here, for your reading pleasure, is a list of books that I am now reading (I try to read as many books concurently, as is humanly possible, so as to ensure that I am unable to remember the contents of any and to guarantee that I finish none of them.)

Understanding Early Civilizations, Bruce Trigger

No Contest--The Case Against Competition, Alfie Kohn

After Postmodernism: An Introduction to Critical Realism, Gary Potter and Jose Lopez

The Essential Guide to the New Adolescence, Ava Siegler

You may wish for a comment on these, but this will have to wait for another, subsequent, entry. The leaves are calling.

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